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His 33-year-old mother, who also has an eight-year-old daughter, Alexandra, said: 'He told me how they got at him every day - trying to strangle him with his tie, poking him. It was thought the situation might have eased last September when he started his secondary education at Wallasey School in nearby Moreton, but the bullying continued. Miss Thompson, a shop assistant, said her son's ordeal began at Riverside Primary School near their home in Wallasey, Wirral, Merseyside. Thomas is believed to be the youngest child to take his own life because of alleged bullying.Ĭoming so soon after similar cases, his death will add fuel to the debate over what to do about the bullying problem. Her partner, Geoff Clarke, tried to resuscitate the youngster while paramedics were called, but he had suffered a fatal heart attack.

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Sandra Thompson found her son in his bedroom when she returned home from work in the evening. Thomas Thompson took an overdose of painkillers after other pupils picked on him because he was clever and well-spoken, she said. A distraught mother has claimed that her 11-year-old son was driven to suicide by bullies at his school.

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